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15 Jasper AI prompts for creating marketing assets

By Juliet John · July 10, 2023
Hero image with the Jasper logo

Jasper can churn out blog introductions, video script hooks, or even ridiculous marketing ideas from any of its many templates. But where the tool really shines is in the document editor. There, you can instruct Jasper to produce any kind of content asset using inputs called commands or prompts.

The quality of the inputs you feed generative AI tools like Jasper determines the quality of the outputs you get. But AI prompting has a learning curve. So I put together a collection of Jasper prompt templates that cover a variety of marketing use cases. These prompts should also work for other AI writing tools and chatbots, but I created them—and tested them out—with Jasper in mind.

Jasper AI prompt tips

Jasper's blank Google Docs-style editor shows the interface for giving Jasper AI commands

Before we dive in, remember that these prompts still require some tweaking to match your specific needs. Here are some things to keep in mind as you're adjusting the prompts to match your requirements.

  • Specificity is key. Be clear about the type of content you're looking for. Use verbs (action words) to instruct the AI, then define a structure and provide a direction, so the tool can produce relevant outputs.

  • Always add context. You can provide examples to help the AI understand the type of content output you're looking for. You can also show it positive outputs to emulate and negative ones to avoid. The more context you can provide, the better results you'll get.

  • Be patient. Jasper may require multiple attempts to get the result you're looking for. Analyze its output, adjust your inputs, and re-run the prompts until you arrive at the best results.

Jasper AI prompts for email marketing

Creating the content for email marketing campaigns can be a slog. Jasper can brainstorm new ideas and craft subject lines, CTAs, and messages that resonate. If you feed it information like tone of voice, target audience, and the goal of the copy you're looking to generate, the tool can produce relevant content outputs for you in seconds. Here are some prompt examples.

Generate email content ideas

I've just completed a webinar on [webinar topic]. I want to send a series of emails to the attendees, who are [target audience of email list]. Can you suggest email content ideas to [goal/purpose of email]?

Announce a new product or service

I'm launching a new [product/service/feature], and I want to send an email announcement to my subscribers. Can you create a subject line that stands out in their inbox with email copy that highlights [the unique benefits/problems the product/service solves]? I want to [goal of email, e.g., create buzz and build excitement among subscribers].

Announce a seasonal or promotional offer

I'm starting a [seasonal/promotional] sale for my [product/service], and I want to send a few emails promoting the sale to my [target/segmented] email subscribers. Can you suggest 3 themes for this sale [e.g., discount codes, gift ideas, limited-time offers] and write compelling emails to persuade recipients to [goal of email]? I want to create a sense of urgency and include social proof in a [brand tone of voice] to increase conversion.

Specific details, like why you're requesting a particular type of output, help the AI tool flex its creative muscles and produce more intentional results.

Jasper AI prompts for advertising

Jasper can help ideate and generate ad text (and visuals) for different platforms. It can even analyze previously successful ad campaigns to glean insights on what worked and areas needing improvements. Then, it will use those insights to create new ad copy for you. This is my favorite way of using Jasper right now to create ads for the affiliate products I promote. 

Here are some prompts to get you started. 

Create ad variations

I'm running a Google Ads campaign on [product]. Can you create [number] variations of ad copy that speak to [defined target audience], showing the [specific problems my product solves/benefits of using it] and incorporate [specific psychological triggers] that motivate [target customers] to [action you want them to perform]? Use this ad copy [URL of ad] for inspiration.

Create specific ad formats

Can you create ad copy for [specific ad format, e.g., banner ad, interactive ad] that communicates the [unique value proposition] of my [product/service] to [defined target audience] and drives [specific action]?

Jasper AI prompts for social media strategy and content

Writing social media content is more than just coming up with a clever 280 characters. Especially when you're trying to adapt each post to the various platforms where your audience hangs out, things get time-consuming.

Jasper can support your social media marketing by generating content strategies and optimizing your posts for specific channels. It can even create content calendars and execution plans, giving you more time to tackle higher-value work.

Start by empowering Jasper with your brand tone of voice and key company information, like target customers, competitors, and product info. Then, use these prompt ideas to streamline your workflow.

Create a social media content calendar

I run a [type of business, e.g., fitness] community on [social media platform] targeted at [specific target audience] who are looking to achieve [specific goal]. Can you develop a comprehensive 3-month content calendar for [specific social platform] that aligns with my brand tone and the interest of my audience? I want the calendar to include [number of posts] weekly.

Generate social content ideas

Can you suggest some innovative ways to showcase my [product or service] on [specific social platform] that stands out from what brands like [competitors] are doing and appeals to [specific target audience]?

Generate social media captions

Act as a social media manager. Generate a compelling caption for [type of post, e.g., YouTube video, Instagram reel] aimed at [specific target audience] who are interested in [specific topic]. Focus on [message you want the caption to pass]. Keep the caption punchy and engaging, and include relevant hashtags to increase visibility and reach.

Jasper AI prompts for PR outreach 

From media research and monitoring to data analysis and pitching, communications-related work has a lot of moving parts. AI text generators can help with the writing side of things to free you up for the more human work. With Jasper AI, you can generate persuasive pitches, engaging email templates, and press releases that boost your outreach campaigns. Here are some prompt ideas for using Jasper for PR.

Find influencers or media outlets to reach out to for PR coverage

I'm a PR professional looking for coverage in [niche]. Can you give me a list of potential [influencers/media outlets] to reach out to for [specific type of coverage you're looking for, e.g., interviews, features]? Prioritize them by [metrics like audience relevance, engagement].

Create email subject lines

Can you help me create some effective subject lines for reaching out to [influencer/media outlet name] regarding coverage for [specific topic]? Note that [additional context] and include [words or hook] to pique their interest.

Generate a press release

As a PR professional, write a compelling press release about [topic] that will grab the attention of [target audience, e.g., journalists]. It should be written in AP style, highlight [key information], and include [relevant fact or statistic] to support the story.

Jasper AI prompts for creating blog posts

When it comes to long-form content, Jasper is a powerful writing assistant. Whether you're creating new content or looking to resuscitate old articles, it does a great job of sparking creative ideas and enhancing your productivity.

Generate a blog post outline

As an experienced content writer, create a detailed blog post outline for a [format, e.g., how to, opinion piece] article on [title]. The target audience is [target audience], and the main points to cover are [subtopics to cover]. The keywords are [main keywords], and the expected article length is [word count].

Write a blog post from an outline

With the outline you've just created, write a [word count] article on [topic] for [specific industry]. Use a [tone] tone, and format the content in short paragraphs.  

Write a blog post

Here's a blog post outline or brief [insert outline/brief]. Please draft a [word count]-word article with [number] subtopics and [number] FAQs.

Optimize content for SEO

Here's an article on [topic]. The target audience for this piece is [target audience], and the keywords are [keyword]. Can you rewrite this article and naturally infuse the keywords where it makes sense? Also, include a meta title and description.

Two things to keep in mind for blog posts:

  • Jasper needs a lot of hand-holding for long-form content. The prompts for blog posts will largely depend on your process, but I've found it performs better when you ask it to write in segments instead of creating a full article at once.

  • You can enable the Google Search feature, and it'll pull in data and statistics from the search engine while working for you.

Create marketing assets at scale with Jasper and Zapier

When you connect Jasper with Zapier, you can optimize your content production even more by automatically running commands based on the actions you take in other apps. Here are some examples to help you get started, but you can connect Jasper to thousands of other apps with Zapier.

Create product descriptions in Jasper from new or updated Airtable records

Create product descriptions in Jasper from new or updated Airtable records
  • Airtable logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Airtable logo
Airtable + Jasper

Create Jasper blog posts from new changes to specific column values in monday.com and save the text in Google Docs documents

Create Jasper blog posts from new changes to specific column values in monday.com and save the text in Google Docs documents
  • monday.com logo
  • monday.com logo
monday.com + Google Docs + Jasper

Run Jasper commands and send Slack channel messages with new pushed messages in Slack

Run Jasper commands and send Slack channel messages with new pushed messages in Slack
  • Slack logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Slack logo
Slack + Jasper

Related reading:

  • 6 ways to make your content stand out in the AI writing wave

  • How to create an AI writing coach with OpenAI's GPT and Zapier

  • The best AI grammar checkers and rewording tools

  • The best AI marketing tools

  • Jasper vs. ChatGPT: Which is best?

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'