
Jessica Lau

Senior content specialist

Jessica Lau is a senior content specialist at Zapier. Outside of writing, she likes to snuggle her dogs, and provide unsolicited podcast and book recommendations.

Jessica Lau

Jessica's articles

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Automate your work with Zapier

More from Jessica

App comparisons

Copilot (formerly Bing Chat) vs. ChatGPT: Which AI chatbot should you use?

Here are the main differences I discovered while comparing ChatGPT vs. Copilot, two of the most popular AI chatbots.

By Jessica Lau

8 min read

App tips

How to use ChatGPT to summarize an article

Need to summarize the key points of a piece of text? Here's how to use ChatGPT to summarize an article, book, or research paper

By Jessica Lau

5 min read

capitalize-text-titlecase primary img

App tips

How to capitalize all letters in Word, Excel, and other apps

Here's how to automatically capitalize all letters in Word, Google Docs, and other text editors—and in thousands of apps using Zapier's Formatter tool.

By Jessica Lau

4 min read

A hero image for Zoom app tips with the Zoom logo on a blue background

App tips

How to share audio on Zoom

Here's how to play music on Zoom—with or without sharing your screen.

By Jessica Lau

3 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'