
Michelle Martin

Michelle is passionate about puttin' sass into SaaS content. When she's not clackin' away on her latest opus, she's probably hiking or learning a new hobby she'll only do once. Find her at www.michellemartin.co or @MichyLMartin

Michelle Martin

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Automate your work with Zapier

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Photoshop alternatives: The 9 best free photo editors in 2024

Sometimes you take the perfect picture from the perfect angle and all you need to do is crop, sharpen, and hope for hundreds of likes. But other times it's destined to be a full-on fiasco of white balance, focus, cropping, exposure—the works.

By Michelle Martin

16 min read

Hero image with the logos of the best flowchart and diagramming tools

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The best flowchart software and diagram tools

Diagrams and flowcharts make the complex comprehensible. Flowcharts turn long workflows into easy to follow instructions; other diagrams allow you to get ideas across quickly and visually, such as when you need to create a floor plan or network diagram.

By Michelle Martin

15 min read

Hero image of a MacBook computer

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How to clean up your Mac (on the inside)

My Macs last a really long time because I care for them with the same devotion I once had for my Tamagotchis.

By Michelle Martin

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'