
Memberspot + Stripe

Revoke access in Memberspot when subscriptions are canceled in Stripe

Instantly manage your online memberships by revoking access whenever a Stripe subscription is cancelled. This handy automation ensures that once a user discontinues their subscription, their access to certain privileges in the Memberspot app is revoked immediately. Stay on top of your membership management and maintain security in an efficient way.

Instantly manage your online memberships by revoking access whenever a Stripe subscription is cancelled. This handy automation ensures that once a user discontinues their subscription, their access to certain privileges in the Memberspot app is revoked immediately. Stay on top of your membership management and maintain security in an efficient way.

  1. When this happens...
    Canceled Subscription

    Triggers when a subscription is canceled (by a subscriber or due to end of billing period).

  2. automatically do this!
    Revoke Access

    Revoke a member access to a course (member progress in the courses will not be deleted)

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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    Canceled Subscription

    Triggers when a subscription is canceled (by a subscriber or due to end of billing period).

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    • Ignore payments intentsRequired

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    Checkout Session Completed

    Triggers when a checkout session is completed.

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    Invoice Payment Failed

    Triggers when an invoice payment fails.

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    New Subscription

    Triggers when a customer is signed up for a new plan.

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About Memberspot

Memberspot is an online course and video-hosting platform.

Related categories

  • Online Courses
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About Stripe

Stripe is a developer-friendly way to accept payments online and in mobile apps. Stripe's suite of APIs powers commerce for thousands of companies of all sizes, processing billions of dollars for businesses each year.

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