
Participate + RegFox

Invite new RegFox registrants to join Participate communities

Do you want to build momentum for an upcoming event and keep your RegFox event attendees engaged after the event is over? Automatically send an invitation to join your online Participate community to each attendee as soon as they register on RegFox. Share updated agendas, resources, and discussions with your event attendees and keep building community!

Do you want to build momentum for an upcoming event and keep your RegFox event attendees engaged after the event is over? Automatically send an invitation to join your online Participate community to each attendee as soon as they register on RegFox. Share updated agendas, resources, and discussions with your event attendees and keep building community!

  1. When this happens...
    New Registrant

    Triggers when a new registrant has successfully submitted themselves through your published Regfox page.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Community Invitation

    Sends email inviting a user to a community.

Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
participate logo

About Participate

Participate is a team collaboration app that combines your favorite parts of social media and online learning in Communities of Practice (CoPs) that inspire professional learning, connection and growth.

Related categories

  • Team Collaboration
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About RegFox

RegFox is a premier registration platform to ensure the building, marketing and taking in registrants for your event all goes smoothly.

Related categories