
SalonBridge + Webhooks by Zapier + Filter by Zapier

POST to webhooks for new online SalonBridge appointments

Post appointment information to a webhook URL of your choice when a new online booking is made via the SalonBridge bookings page or via the embedded bookings option.

Post appointment information to a webhook URL of your choice when a new online booking is made via the SalonBridge bookings page or via the embedded bookings option.

  1. When this happens...
    New Appointment

    Triggers when a new appointment is created in your SalonBridge calendar in-house, or online.

  2. automatically do this...
    Filter by ZapierFilter by Zapier
    Only continue if...

    Set up rules to specify when this Zap can continue running.

  3. then do this!
    Webhooks by ZapierWebhooks by Zapier

    Fire off a single POST request as a form or JSON.

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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
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About SalonBridge

SalonBridge lets you manage your appointments, accept online bookings, keep track of clients, payments, reports, and client reminders from the web, or from your smartphone.

Related categories

  • Scheduling & Booking
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About Webhooks by Zapier

Webhooks simply POST data (or JSON) to a specific URL every time we see something new. Webhooks can also accept data (or JSON) to kick off a workflow in Zapier.

Related categories

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About Filter by Zapier

Only allow a Zap to proceed when a certain condition is met. For example, if you're sending a text message when you receive a new email, you could use a Filter that only sends a text message when the email received is from a certain address.

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