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Google Assistant: Zapier app of the day

Let Google be your virtual personal assistant and use your voice to command your favorite apps

By Krystina Martinez · June 16, 2020
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We've all had those days where you wish you had your own personal assistant to manage your work and home life. Not everyone can hire their own assistant, but you don't have to with Google Assistant. It's like having your own personal helper—without the awkward feeling that comes with asking a person to do your bidding.

This virtual voice assistant from Google connects with your favorite apps and games, so you can shuffle your favorite Spotify playlist, ask it to stream Netflix through Chromecast, and much more.

Instead of looking up what the weather will be like today, just ask Google Assistant and you'll get an answer. You can also ask for local information that you'd usually type in a Google search, such as where the nearest ATM is or your pharmacy's phone number.

You can also connect Google Assistant to your smart home devices, so you can control your lights, thermostat, refrigerator, and other smart appliances with the sound of your voice.

And yes, you can ask Google Assistant to do things for you. For example, you can ask it to text your sibling, call a friend or read through your work emails. You can ask Google Assistant to set a timer for you, remind you to do the dishes, add items to your to-do list, among a million other things. Literally—Google Assistant has over a million actions you can try.

And the Google Home smart speaker isn't required. You can get the Google Assistant app on your Android or Apple smartphones or tablets, in your car, or any other devices you'd like.

You can automate your work and home life with Zapier's Google Assistant integrations. Here are a few popular Google Assistant workflows to get you started.

Create Any.co tasks for new pushed voice messages in Google Assistant

Create Any.co tasks for new pushed voice messages in Google Assistant
  • Google Assistant (Legacy) logo
  • Any.do Personal logo
Google Assistant (Legacy) + Any.do Personal

Create Trello cards using Google Assistant voice commands

Create Trello cards using Google Assistant voice commands
  • Google Assistant (Legacy) logo
  • Trello logo
Google Assistant (Legacy) + Trello

Set Slack statuses with Google Assistant voice commands

Set Slack statuses with Google Assistant voice commands
  • Google Assistant (Legacy) logo
  • Slack logo
Google Assistant (Legacy) + Slack

New to Zapier? It's a tool that helps anyone connect apps and automate workflows—without any complicated code. Sign up for free to use Google Assistant with Zapier.

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